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Mindful Pace

I've been down. I've been out. As I sit and type here in my breakfast nook it is February 19, 2018. I have been sick since 12/24/2017. This is the longest time I've been this sick other than pregnancy with JL and it has damn near driven me out of my mind. I always think I'm slowing down when I know I need to, but it wasn't until this winter when I actually had no choice but to lay flat on my back until my lungs were working again that I realized I don't ever really slow down. I'm good at binge watching TV on Netflix. I can modify classroom assignments so that I sit more and the students get up and move. I even know how to modify rehearsal schedules so that we do more with less time. But when it comes to actually CHANGING the pace of my life I always go back to the same bad habits. I work too fast, too many hours, sacrificing sleep and family and sanity. I'm trying not to over analyze here as I have a tendency to beat the crap out of myself. I guess my

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