
It isn't just recently that I have become obsessed with getting even in the money game, but I can say with absolute certainty that it is my current obsession. The biggest challenge I am facing these days is staying organized. As our kids get older it is becoming increasingly apparent as a parent (ha!) that I am going to have to do better than the giantpilesofcrap system upon which I rely. My biggest challenge as of late makes me sick to even talk about: paying off my credit card debt. My husband worked like a dog before we got married and managed to pay off all of his debt, including student loans. I will most definitely be paying my student loans off when I am dead, but it sure would be nice to be out from under my cc's. It is actually embarrassing that I'm not paid off. Most of the debt is from when I lived in New York and had nothing, including a steady job. I am not going to go into all of the gory details, I am just going to say that I want more for my kids than a lifetime of debt and so I have vowed to pay off all that I owe (again, NOT including student loans, unless Sallie Mae wants one of my toes or something) by 2012. 2013 is probably the more reasonable of goals, but I am actually almost halfway there and it is only April so I figure go big or go home.
Plus, those damn Butler boys are awfully inspiring on the whole "dream big" front right now.
Off to balance the online checkbook.


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