Too Much "Face" Time

I can access it on my phone. At work. At home. At restaurants. In the car (yes, I admit it). I cannot stop checking. And the crazy thing is, I don't really care what I find out. Did my friend eat dinner with her kids or out with her husband? Is "she" bitching about her life AGAIN? Who worked out when and for how long? What is the latest with the current college crowd? I check and check and check and check. Then when I get the answer NOTHING CHANGES. I do have some friends with a gift for hyperbole and a knack for the snarky, which I do appreciate very much. But there just isn't any real reason to check with such frequency, I just can't seem to stop. When I'm at work I want to be connected to my friends outside of work; and when I am at home I want to be connected to the outside world. I have tried to close my account, to not check it so often, to simply PUT THE PHONE DOWN. But to no avail. Where will this land me. I don't know. Acknowledging the problem is the first step, right? Now here I go to post a link to this entry on facebook.


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