Royally Obsessed

I had contemplated skipping out on Friday to stay home and watch the wedding. Then I was forced to by Shingles so, alas, what else could I do? I snuggled in with some coffee and watched the post-wedding coverage (I had slept through the real deal).
Kate was, of course, DIVINE! But the hats, oh the hats! These two above just had me rolling! I love the hats and the fascinators and all of it. But I mean, how the hell did she get that brown hat to do that? It's an acrobatic hat! Very Dr. Seuss.
I thought the "middle-aged" women looked especially wonderful. They all seemed to be able to strike the proper balance between classy and current. These are two of my favorites.

The lace detailing had to be my favorite part. It was all done by hand apparently. And the needlework artists had to stop and wash their hands every thirty minutes to keep the lace white. They also changed needles every hour to keep them sharp. Wow! She is so very tiny-waisted and gorgeous. May the live happily.


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