Keeping It Real

We are about to return to school (work) after two weeks off for winter intersession. Which means Christmas break in a non-offensive public school label kind of way. While I would like to say that we spent the entire two weeks gazing lovingly into each others eyes, counting our blessings and snuggling our munchkins, I would be lying. We all spent the first week sick, typical winter break issue, and the second week trying not to kill one another. Turns out that 5 and 2 is a less than superfun!!! combination in child ages. It is a good thing they are cute. They take turns driving us crazy. One will FINALLY chill and the other one goes off. It is a never ending cycle.

Now take all of this with a grain of salt as I tend to get just a little bit STRESSED around the holidays. Family togetherness has never been my forte. If if weren't for my husband I would simply hide under the covers until it was all over. But alas he pulls me out from under the covers and forces me to interact and I survive. I would be a recluse if the situation presented itself.

I tend to READ READ READ when I need to escape. Over winter break I read: 90 Day Geisha: My Time As A Tokyo Hostess, Jane Eyre, and The Night Circus on my Kindle. I loved all of them. I cannot believe I waited this long to read Jane Eyre. I absolutely loved it. I then watched the BBC mini series of it with Timothy Dalton and Zelah Clarke which was just perfect. I searched to make sure I could find a version of Jane that had a decent actress playing the leading lady. Jane must be younger than Rochester, unattractive, and full of fire and spit. This version had it all. I am still working on Night Circus, I anticipate not sleeping enough until it is done. Especially since I am about to direct Romeo and Juliet which will probably take up a little time at school...just a little. Lucas and I also saw The Adventures of Tintin which I did not expect to love but I did. He and I were on the edge of our seats the entire time.

Overall our break was crazy, fabulous, nutso, and fun. A perfect family time.


  1. Life as we know it brought down to two closing sentences! You are my heroine, beautiful in spirit and in the flesh! Keep up the good blogging! Love you, Mom


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